In my daily work, JPA is used in a Java EE environment/container. Here is a simple example
using JPA in a Java SE environment, in which it’s more easily to demonstrate usage of JPA.
Source code of this example is available on github.
This example is managed by Maven, and tries to involve as little dependencies as possible.
It uses Hibernate as JPA vendor. And Mysql is taken as the database server. By passing some
options, this example also helps create corresponding schema in database.
hibernate-core is not enough to use Hibernate as JPA provider. hibernate-entitymanager
should be used instead. For JPA dependency, here it use artifact javax.persistence from
group org.eclipse.persistence, not artifact persistence-api from group javax.persistence,
which is too old to use.
And logback dependency is added for logging purpose.
<projectxmlns=""xmlns:xsi=""xsi:schemaLocation=""><modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion><groupId>com.hong</groupId><artifactId>plain-jpa-app</artifactId><version>0.0.1-SNAPSHOT</version><dependencies><!-- use hibernate-entitymanager, if you are using hibernate simply as jpa provider --><!-- <dependency>
</dependency> --><dependency><groupId>org.hibernate</groupId><artifactId>hibernate-entitymanager</artifactId><version>4.3.10.Final</version></dependency><dependency><groupId>org.eclipse.persistence</groupId><artifactId>javax.persistence</artifactId><version>2.1.0</version></dependency><dependency><groupId>joda-time</groupId><artifactId>joda-time</artifactId><version>2.8.1</version></dependency><dependency><groupId>mysql</groupId><artifactId>mysql-connector-java</artifactId><version>5.1.36</version></dependency><dependency><groupId>ch.qos.logback</groupId><artifactId>logback-classic</artifactId><version>1.1.3</version></dependency></dependencies></project>
There are four entities in this example, Customer, Product, OrderLine, and Order.
Only list code for OrderLine and Order below. For other, please check them on github.
packagehello;importjava.math.BigDecimal;importjava.util.ArrayList;importjava.util.List;importjavax.persistence.*;importorg.joda.time.DateTime;@Entity// @Table can be omitted, if defaults are ok. however, specify 'name' of @Table// is better, so that the mapping between entity and table wouldn't break // if we refactor Order class name later on@Table(name="SALES_ORDER")publicclassOrder{@Id@SequenceGenerator(name="ORDER_SEQ",sequenceName="ORDER_SEQ",allocationSize=1)@GeneratedValue(generator="ORDER_SEQ",strategy=GenerationType.AUTO)privateLongid;// do 'optional = false' in @ManyToOne and 'nullable = false' in @JoinColumn// have the same effect?@ManyToOne(optional=false)@JoinColumn(name="CUSTOMER_ID",nullable=false)privateCustomercustomer;@Column(name="AMOUNT")privateBigDecimalamount;/*
* for 'date', jpa supports java.util.Date, java.util.Calendar, java.sql.Date,
* java.sql.Time, java.sql.TimeStamp.
* it's said joda time the best choice before java 1.8.
* since the app uses java 1.7, and also it needs time for jpa to support java
* 1.8's 'date class', so we use joda time (via a converter) in this app.
It’s said Joda time should be used as THE date time class prior to Java 8. Since this example
is developed in Java 7, so I take this advice.
To Use Joda time in JPA, I add a converter for it.
* eclipselink has another interface called 'Converter', here we
* use the 'standard' one
* maybe type arguments of AttributeConverter can be omitted.
* but currently, if omit, hibernate raises an error
With this converter, createdTime of Order can be of org.joda.time.DateTime type.
packagehello;importjava.util.List;importjavax.persistence.EntityManager;importorg.slf4j.Logger;importorg.slf4j.LoggerFactory;publicclassBasicRepository<T>implementsRepository<T>{privatestaticfinalLoggerLOGGER=LoggerFactory.getLogger(BasicRepository.class);privateEntityManagerem;privateClass<T>clazz;publicBasicRepository(EntityManagerem,Class<T>clazz){this.em=em;this.clazz=clazz;}publicTsave(Tentity){if(entity!=null){em.persist(entity);"saved.");}returnentity;}publicTfind(LongprimaryKey){if(primaryKey==null){returnnull;}else{returnem.find(clazz,primaryKey);}}publicList<T>findAll(){StringsqlStr="SELECT e FROM "+clazz.getSimpleName()+" e";returnem.createQuery(sqlStr,clazz).getResultList();}publicbooleanexists(LongprimaryKey){returnfind(primaryKey)!=null;}publicLongcount(){StringsqlStr="SELECT COUNT(e) FROM "+clazz.getSimpleName()+" e";return(Long)em.createQuery(sqlStr,Long.class).getSingleResult();}publicvoiddelete(Tentity){em.remove(entity);}}
Add an Entity to Database
Below is code snippet from MainClass.
privatestaticvoidrun(){EntityManagerFactoryemf=null;EntityManagerem=null;try{emf=Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("simplePU");em=emf.createEntityManager();prepareData(em);createOrder(em);}catch(Exceptione){LOGGER.error(e.getMessage());}finally{if(em!=null){em.close();}if(emf!=null){emf.close();}}}privatestaticvoidcreateOrder(EntityManagerem){BasicRepository<Order>orderRepo=newBasicRepository<Order>(em,Order.class);BasicRepository<Customer>customerRepo=newBasicRepository<Customer>(em,Customer.class);BasicRepository<Product>productRepo=newBasicRepository<Product>(em,Product.class);List<Customer>customers=customerRepo.findAll();List<Product>products=productRepo.findAll();Randomrand=newRandom();Orderorder=newOrder();order.setCreatedTime(newDateTime());order.setCustomer(customers.get(rand.nextInt(customers.size())));OrderLineline1=newOrderLine();line1.setParent(order);line1.setProduct(products.get(rand.nextInt(products.size())));line1.setPrice(newBigDecimal(rand.nextInt(50)));line1.setQuantity(newBigDecimal(rand.nextInt(10)));order.getLines().add(line1);OrderLineline2=newOrderLine();line2.setParent(order);line2.setProduct(products.get(rand.nextInt(products.size())));line2.setPrice(newBigDecimal(rand.nextInt(50)));line2.setQuantity(newBigDecimal(rand.nextInt(10)));order.getLines().add(line2);BigDecimalamount=BigDecimal.ZERO;for(OrderLineline:order.getLines()){amount=amount.add(line.getPrice().multiply(line.getQuantity()));}order.setAmount(amount);EntityTransactiontxn=em.getTransaction();try{txn.begin();;txn.commit();"create order done.");}catch(Exceptione){if(txn.isActive()){txn.rollback();"create order failed."+e.getMessage());}}}
Schema Generation from JPA Metadata
JPA and JPA providers provide APIs to help generate schema in database, drop schema,
export schema to script files, execute SQL scripts to prepare data, and etc.
Below snippet from MainClass is to create schema in database using standard JPA API (though it has
some hanging threads problem).
* simply call Persistence.generateSchema() will create schema, but main() method
* never returns. some threads (relative to db connection/connect pool) will hang in there
* and never terminate. those never-terminate threads look like below,
* Daemon Thread [Abandoned connection cleanup thread] (Running)
* Thread [pool-1-thread-1] (Running)
* Thread [DestroyJavaVM] (Running)
Below snippet is output schema, but not execute it as the above one. It’s using Hibernate API.
privatestaticvoiddropAndCreateDBViaHibernate1(){Propertiesproperties=newProperties();properties.setProperty("hibernate.dialect","org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5Dialect");Configurationcfg=newConfiguration().setProperties(properties);// can also use reflection to not (hard-codely) call addAnnotatedClass() for every entitycfg.addAnnotatedClass(Customer.class);cfg.addAnnotatedClass(Order.class);cfg.addAnnotatedClass(OrderLine.class);cfg.addAnnotatedClass(Product.class);String[]scripts=cfg.generateSchemaCreationScript(Dialect.getDialect(cfg.getProperties()));"len of scripts "+scripts.length);for(Stringsql:scripts){;}// org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.internal.FormatStyle can help do formatting// it has a method getFormatter(), which return Formatter}
At first, I tried to use pure standard JPA API to implement this example. However, it turned out
not possible as what I thought to be. For example, the standard Persistence.generateSchema() API
does not mention any hanging database connection thread problem. Here Hibernate as the provider decides
not to close the database connection thread in Java SE environment even after code is finished running
in main thead. To eliminate this problem, I have to use Hibernate API to fulfill my task. So whichever
JPA provider you pick, you have to bind with it to some extend.
如果你觉得这篇文章对你有用,可以微信扫一扫表示🙏 / If you find this post is useful to you, buy me 🍶 via Wechat
A Simple Example Using JPA
In my daily work, JPA is used in a Java EE environment/container. Here is a simple example using JPA in a Java SE environment, in which it’s more easily to demonstrate usage of JPA. Source code of this example is available on github.
This example is managed by Maven, and tries to involve as little dependencies as possible. It uses Hibernate as JPA vendor. And Mysql is taken as the database server. By passing some options, this example also helps create corresponding schema in database.
is not enough to use Hibernate as JPA provider.hibernate-entitymanager
should be used instead. For JPA dependency, here it use artifactjavax.persistence
from grouporg.eclipse.persistence
, not artifactpersistence-api
from groupjavax.persistence
, which is too old to use.And logback dependency is added for logging purpose.
There are four entities in this example,
, andOrder
. Only list code forOrderLine
below. For other, please check them on github.Type and Converter for Date Time
It’s said Joda time should be used as THE date time class prior to Java 8. Since this example is developed in Java 7, so I take this advice.
To Use Joda time in JPA, I add a converter for it.
With this converter,
can be oforg.joda.time.DateTime
type.A Simple Repository Class to Manipulate Entites
Add an Entity to Database
Below is code snippet from
.Schema Generation from JPA Metadata
JPA and JPA providers provide APIs to help generate schema in database, drop schema, export schema to script files, execute SQL scripts to prepare data, and etc.
Below snippet from
is to create schema in database using standard JPA API (though it has some hanging threads problem).Below snippet is output schema, but not execute it as the above one. It’s using Hibernate API.
At first, I tried to use pure standard JPA API to implement this example. However, it turned out not possible as what I thought to be. For example, the standard
API does not mention any hanging database connection thread problem. Here Hibernate as the provider decides not to close the database connection thread in Java SE environment even after code is finished running in main thead. To eliminate this problem, I have to use Hibernate API to fulfill my task. So whichever JPA provider you pick, you have to bind with it to some extend.如果你觉得这篇文章对你有用,可以微信扫一扫表示🙏 / If you find this post is useful to you, buy me 🍶 via Wechat